Integrating climate change adaptation measures into Kenya's Vision 2030 national development projects
In cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) and the Vision 2030 Secretariat, The INTASAVE Partnership aims to mainstream and systematically integrate climate change adaptation measures in to national development projects, thereby promoting sustainable development in Kenya.
Specifically the project aims to:
- Foster a common acceptance and understanding of climate change and adaptation measures among key decision makers; building their capacity to identify specific interventions for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the implementation of Vision 2030 development projects;
- Provide a platform for knowledge sharing on local and practical climate change adaptation initiatives within the Vision 2030 framework; and
- Provide mentoring support to stakeholders who are integrating climate change into national development projects.
Duration: 5 Years, from January 2014 to December 2018
Project Context & Background
Vision 2030 is Kenya’s blueprint development document. Under Vision 2030, Kenya aims to become a middle-income, rapidly industrializing country by 2030, offering all its citizens a high quality of life. According to a 2013 progress report, climate change was cited as a major challenge in implementing development projects under Vision 2030.
Education and awareness efforts on climate change in Kenya only started two decades ago and were primarily directed towards the preparation of initial National Communications required for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with the main donor being UNEP/GEF. The participants included top-level policy makers from line ministries. According to a UNEP report, this model of targeting key decision makers is seen as commendable and they encouraged similar measures for future projects, including the involvement of the media by inviting journalists to public awareness workshops and urging them to publish feature articles in national and regional newspapers.
In an effort to mainstream climate change mitigation and adaptation issues, the Vision 2030 secretariat engaged an environmental advisory team to operate both at multiple levels and to contribute to sectoral policies, plans and programmes. Our project will build on existing structures that have been established by this advisory team and work through the various Climate Change Units (CCU) within government, research and development agencies, while ensuring a close link with the National Climate Change Action Plan implementing agencies.
(Photo: Paradise in the World)