Sunday, 21 April 2013

IS-CS Facts & Figures


The INTASAVE Partnership (INTASAVE) works around the world with governments, regional organisations, communities, the private sector, universities, international development agencies and development banks. INTASAVE uses an international, holistic, inter-sectoral approach to addressing critical issues surrounding risk, sustainability, climate change, socio-economics, environments and sustainable livelihoods.

INTASAVE is a Not-For-Profit company based in the UK, South Africa and the USA and is sister company to the regional Not-For-Profit company; The CARIBSAVE Partnership based in Barbados, West Indies.

INTASAVE uses an evidence-based approach, providing the highest quality outputs and pragmatic outcomes to bridge the gaps between science, research, implementation of practical strategies and capacity building. The company focuses on vulnerable economies, small island states, less developed countries and destinations around the world, as well as assisting developed countries in reducing vulnerability, building capacity and increasing resilience. The company was created in response to international demand for the replication of highly successful methodologies and outputs and increased resilience generated across the Caribbean by CARIBSAVE, its' sister company.


The CARIBSAVE Partnership (CARIBSAVE) is a Not-For-Profit regional organization based in the Caribbean with its Headquarters in Barbados. CARIBSAVE was formed in 2008 as a partnership initiative between the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and the University of Oxford. CARIBSAVE works with stakeholders to address the impacts and challenges surrounding climate change, the environment, economic development, tourism and community livelihoods across the Caribbean Basin, using an integrated and holistic approach.

See the interactive map above and click on any one of the country names to browse the projects and activities being implemented by the CARIBSAVE Partnership across the Caribbean Region.

The Caribbean is the most tourism-dependent region in the world with few options to develop alternative economic sectors. The region is one of the most vulnerable in the world to the impacts of climate change including sea level rise, biodiversity loss and impacts on human health.

The CARIBSAVE partnership is providing practical strategies, and implementing capacity building and skills transfer activities across the region for pro-poor and national economic development in the Caribbean in an era of economic restructuring and climate change.

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