Tuesday, 11 June 2013



The INTASAVE Partnership & CARIBSAVE is a global not-for-profit organisation with offices and operations in Africa, Asia-Pacific, China UK-Europe and the Caribbean (CARIBSAVE). 


Supporting and enhancing livelihoods, economies and environments around the world: in an era of global environmental change and economic restructuring, providing innovative, dynamic and evidence-based solutions, through six thematic areas:

  • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: Enhancing the understanding of the effects of climate change, and developing and implementing strategies to reduce vulnerabilities and increase the resilience of countries, ecosystems, economies and communities

  • Society and Livelihoods: Reducing poverty, building capacity, enhancing livelihoods and working with gender differentials and vulnerable groups through participatory engagement with communities, governments and the private sector

  • Green Growth and Blue Economy: Assisting and fostering sustainable environments and economies by partnering with communities, governments and the private sector in the incorporation of low-carbon development and effective terrestrial and marine resource management

  • South-South Cooperation, Knowledge Exchange & Development:Working to create and exchange knowledge and good practice across south-south countries, regions and networks to develop capacity and capability to achieve climate resilience and sustainable development

  • Climate Governance & Legislation:  Partnering with governments, regional institutions and key stakeholders, to support the formulation and implementation of national, regional and global climate change policies and programmes


A world that responds to the opportunities and challenges of a changing climate and provides an equitable and sustainable future for all.


People, Partnerships and Professionalism


Thursday, 6 June 2013

South-South Summit, Beijing - July 2013

South-South Summit: Climate Change Adaptation: Policy, Practice and Legislation

A milestone climate change conference took place in July 2013 in Beijing with participants endorsing the new Guiding Principles for Climate Change Adaptation: South-South Cooperation, Practice, and Legislation, a landmark guide for future policy, legislation, implementation and cooperation on climate change adaptation in the global South.

The three-day International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation: Policy, Practice and Legislationdrew 150 leading policymakers, legislators, experts and representatives of multilateral agencies from China and 35 developing countries to Beijing to explore major opportunities for China and developing countries to work together to make their countries and communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Conference participants also had the opportunity to learn of China's achievements in planning for and responding to climate impacts.

The conference was organised by the Adapting to Climate Change in China (ACCC) project in partnership with The Global Legislators’ Organisation (GLOBE International) and The INTASAVE Partnership & CARIBSAVE.

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“[We] wish for a continuing successful relationship through triangular cooperation as China meets its South-South Cooperation commitments and international commitments on climate change.”

Madam Huang

Director of the International Cooperation Division of the Climate Change,
Department of China's NDRC*

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Conference Outcomes

  • Every participant gave their unqualified support to the conference’s landmark document, Guiding Principles for Climate Change Adaptation; South-South Cooperation, Practice and Legislation and their support for another conference in 2014.

  • GLOBE International will take the Guiding Principles to the 2nd GLOBE Climate Legislation Summit in Bogota, Colombia, in October, where they will be discussed and endorsed by legislators from over 60 countries.

  • The INTASAVE Partnership has announced a joint initiative to continue to build on this work with China, the UNFCCC, and developing countries around the world.

  • The INTASAVE Partnership will establish a high-level international advisory board and will also hold an annual event on South-South Adaptation: Policy, Practice and Legislation taking place in South Africa in 2014.

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"Although the impacts of climate change are local and varied, there is much we can learn from each other about how to approach our response. That is why we have developed a set of Guiding Principles that will help legislators and policymakers to ensure that the response is as effective as possible and learns the lessons from others' experience."

Hon. C.T. Frolick, MP

National Assembly of South Africa

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About the "Guiding Principles"

The Guiding Principles provide concrete recommendations for the future direction of climate change adaptation, a synthesis of good practice and ways to strengthen responses by working together.

The primary points of the document are:

  • There is a strong need for anticipatory adaptation, underpinned by a risk management approach, solid monitoring and evaluation, and scaled up knowledge platforms to inform future work;

  • Adaptation requires a broad range of practice, policy, and legislation that builds on responses from and engagement with all stakeholders. Responses will include those that use traditional knowledge;

  • Public funding continues to be important but so too is an enabling environment for private sector involvement. This will include Public-Private-Partnerships, private investment, corporate responsibility and climate-compatible business practices;

  • South-South Cooperation should provide opportunities to share lessons learnt and to contextualise these to national and subnational circumstances;

  • Developed countries have an important role to play in encouraging and enabling South-South cooperation, in line with existing international commitments, to support the efforts of developing countries.

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The principles are based on an agreed need to establish a principled and flexible model of climate change adaptation in order to pursue the goals of increasing the resilience and adaptive capacity of societal and ecological systems. The principles reflect the four stages of successful adaptation: planning, implementation, evaluation and dynamic refinement.

[vc_separator el_position="first"] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="http://intasave-caribsave.intasave.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/09/ACCC-International-Conference-on-Climate-Change-Guiding-Principles.pdf" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="none" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="Download the South-South Bejing Conference - Guiding Principles doc (PDF)"]

[vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="http://intasave-caribsave.intasave.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/09/ACCC-International-Conference-on-Climate-Change-Adaptation-Report.pdf" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="none" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="Download the South-South Bejing Conference report (PDF)"]

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Dr Murray Simpson CEO


Dr Murray Simpson, CEO, talks about climate change in the Caribbean.

Some Key Facts

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises contribute an estimated 90% of employment and 70% of the GDP of Caribbean countries.

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The cost for Latin America to adapt to a 2°C warmer world from 2010-2050 could cost between US$16.8 – US$21.5 billion per year (World Bank, 2009).

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According to the World Resources Institute Caribbean coral reefs alone generate between US$3.1 and US$4.6 billion across the Caribbean annually from fisheries, tourism and shoreline protection.

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Studies have shown that the biomass of fish inside a reserve can increase by between 2 to 21 times from its original level

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Half the world’s population lives within 100 km of a marine shoreline.

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  • 80% of the human activities that threaten coasts occur on the land

  • 50% of the world’s coasts are threatened by development

  • 40% of coral reefs have been lost or degraded

  • 80% of monitored beaches are eroding

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Now you don’t know when to plant and when not to not plant. When you’re waiting for rain, you’re not getting rain. When you’re waiting for sun, you’re not getting sun. The weather [changed].


St Lucia

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Marine protected areas account for less than 0.05% of coasts & oceans[vc_separator el_position="last"] Sea level rise will continue for centuries after 2100, even if global temperatures are stabilized at 2.0 °C or 2.5°C[vc_separator el_position="last"] Caribbean countries, as a group, contribute only small amounts to global greenhouse gas emissions, however, seven of the fifteen countries still generate 100% of their electricity from fossil fuels.[vc_separator el_position="last"] Belize and Dominica produce more than 30% of electricity from renewable energy (mainly hydro) and Suriname produces 95% of its electricity from hydro.[vc_separator el_position="last"] Already some 300,000 deaths per year are being attributed to climate change and this is expected to rise to half a million per year globally by 2020[i].[vc_separator el_position="last"] In the Caribbean, tourism resorts would be at risk of flooding from just a 1 metre rise in sea-level[ii] and many more would have their infrastructure eroded.[vc_separator el_position="last"] 26 out of the Caribbean region’s 73 airports would be at risk from inundation with a 1 metre sea level rise[iii].[vc_separator el_position="last"] In Africa, between 25 and 40 per cent of mammal species in national parks in sub-Saharan Africa will become endangered as a result of climate change.[vc_separator el_position="last"]

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  • Optimum beach tourism conditions for European tourists are 27oC to 32oC

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  • The Caribbean accounts for just 0.2 per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions while having 0.6 per cent of the world’s population

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  • About 40,000 solar home systems are being installed per month in Bangladesh

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  • Around 30,000 solar home systems are installed every year in Kenya

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  • The likely costs to the Caribbean’s tourism sector from global inaction on climate change could range from US400 million to US$2billion by 2025 (Bueno, Herzfeld, Stanton, & Ackerman, 2008).

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  • In the Caribbean more than half of the population lives within 1.5 km of the shoreline (Mimura et al., 2007).

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  • Most of Barbados’ infrastructure, government, health and commercial facilities lie along various portions of the 97 km coastline which include low-lying and highly erodible shore areas that are particularly susceptible to sea level rise.

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[i] Global Humanitarian Forum (2009) Human Impact of Climate Change: The anatomy of a silent crisis.  www.ghf-ge.org/human-impact-report.pdf .  (Accessed 15 June 2011)

[ii] Rahmstorf, S. (2007) A semi-empirical approach to protecting future sea-level rise. Science 315 (5810), 368-370.

[iii] Simpson, M.C., Scott, D., Harrison, M., Silver, N., O’Keeffe, E., Harrison, S., Taylor, M., Lizcano, G., Rutty, M., Stager, H., Oldham, J., Wilson, M., New, M., Clarke, J. , Day, O.J., Fields, N., Georges, J., Waithe, R., McSharry, P. (2010) Quantification and magnitude of losses and damages resulting from the impacts of climate change: Modelling the transformational impacts and costs of sea level rise in the Caribbean. United Nations Development Programme, Barbados.

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