Monday, 20 January 2014

CARIBSAVE Awards UWI-IGDS Scholarship

We are pleased to announce that Ms. Georgia Marks-Doman of Jamaica is the recipient of our most recent scholarship award of US$9,000.

Ms. Doman-Marks will complete her full-time post graduate studies in the area of Gender and Climate Change at the Institute for Gender and Development Studies of the UWI, Mona campus.  Her research project will examine the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of women in agriculture in rural Jamaica.  This work is both timely and very important at a time when the Caribbean region is struggling with issues of food security.  And whilst the issue of gender and climate change has always been important, it is becoming increasingly more visible and extremely relevant to CARIBSAVE’s work in the Caribbean and Africa regions, thus creating excellent opportunities for South-South learning and knowledge exchange of stories of vulnerability and resilience.

 This award is indicative of the long-standing relationship between CARIBSAVE and the Institute for Gender and Development Studies at the Mona campus of the University of the West Indies and in keeping with our mutual goal to facilitate learning and capacity building processes through research on gender and climate change. This collaboration will therefore:

  • Build capacity in the area of gender and development research;

  • Contribute to public awareness in the area of gender and climate change; and

  • Facilitate the discourse on climate change and policy interventions that recognise the importance of gender mainstreaming.

We wish to congratulate Ms. Marks-Doman and look forward to her professional and scientific contributions to this important field.

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