Saturday, 27 September 2014

C-ARK Grant Programme: Call for Applications [DEADLINE EXTENDED]

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{Dear visitors, please note that the deadline for submission of applications has been extended. Further details on the new deadlines for applications are provided below}

CARIBSAVE, with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank Multilateral Investment Fund (IDB-MIF) is providing up to forty (40) grants to (a) Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) and (b) Community Based Organisations (CBOs) under the Climate Change, Coastal Community Enterprises: Adaptation, Resilience and Knowledge (C-ARK) project.

The C-ARK project aims to increase climate change resilience in MSMEs and coastal communities across four countries through awareness raising; building their capacity to adapt; and providing financial support for adaptation interventions.

CARIBSAVE will be awarding up to 32 Micro Grants for MSMEs of a maximum of US$3,000 each in value, and up to 8 Small Grants for CBOs of a maximum of US$34,000 each in value across the eight target communities in the four countries – which include: Oistins and Holetown-Weston (Barbados); Abaco and Andros Islands (The Bahamas); Hopkins Village and Placencia (Belize); and Bluefields and Port Antonio (Jamaica).

Through these grants, CARIBSAVE and the IDB-MIF are providing financial support to CBOs and MSMEs to implement adaptation strategies, with particular emphasis on the following themes for each grant:

Small Grants for CBOsMicro Grants for MSMEs

  • Promoting Community Cohesion and Building Key Partnerships

  • Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Ecosystem-based Adaptation

  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies

  • Institutional Strengthening

  • Sustainable Business Development

  • Alternative Livelihoods

  • Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Ecosystem-based Adaptation

  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies

  • Sustainable Business Development

Project ideas should be identified from previous C-ARK project activities, including the development of the Adaptation Plan for your community; or adaptation and sustainable livelihoods training. Selected organisations and MSME operators who apply and meet specific criteria will receive funding to put their proposed strategies into practice.  Selected operators and organisations who apply and meet specific criteria will receive funding to put their proposed strategies into practice.

MSMEs and CBOs working in tourism, agriculture, fisheries or craft which are based in any of the eight (8) beneficiary communities are invited to apply.

The new, extended deadline for applications for Micro Grants is Monday, October 27, 2014; and the new, extended deadline for applications for Small Grants is Friday, October 31, 2014. The submission times and formats of applications remain unchanged.

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A digital version of the Call for Applications for the C-ARK Grant Programme can be downloaded here - available in both Microsoft Office Word and Adobe PDF formats:

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_column] [vc_column width="1/3"] [vc_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_word" target="_blank" el_position="first"] [vc_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-danger" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_pdf" target="_blank" el_position="last"] [/vc_column] [/vc_row] [vc_row] [vc_column] [vc_column_text el_position="first last"]

Specific details on (1) the Small Grant for CBOs and (2) the Micro Grant for MSMEs; including eligibility criteria, application forms and instructions are provided in the two respective tabs below. (The tab that is shaded grey is open, the tab that is shaded blue is closed, and can be clicked to open).

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Community-based organisations play pivotal, multi-faceted roles in advancing the community development and sustainability agenda – including building resilience to climate change. They work with and on behalf of various socio-economic and cultural groups (many of which are MSMEs) to achieve their objectives – often-times these groups represents persons who are vulnerable in some way. As such, providing support to a community group or organisation will benefit several individuals, sub-groups and the community at large.  The work and success of CBOs through this grant opportunity will also help many other communities, through experiences and lessons shared in resilience and sustainability.


Entities interested in applying for the Small Grant for CBOs should meet the following criteria:

  • Should be currently in operation and registered as a not-for-profit organisation.

  • Should be based and working actively in any of the eight (8) beneficiary communities: which include: Oistins and Holetown-Weston (Barbados); Abaco and Andros Islands (The Bahamas); Hopkins Village and Placencia (Belize); and Bluefields and Port Antonio (Jamaica).

Associations of fishers, craft-persons, farmers or tourism-related operators who meet the above criteria are also eligible to apply.


Project or investment ideas which potential applicants for the Small Grant may want to put forward should fall under at least one (1) of the following themes:

  1. Promoting Community Cohesion and Building Key Partnerships: Activities will promote strong positive relationships between different groups in the community. Activities will support these groups in obtaining access to similar opportunities, participating in the creation of a shared vision for the community, and forming partnerships amongst themselves to reach a shared a goal.

  2. Disaster Risk Reduction: Activities will reduce exposure to hazards and vulnerability of people, livelihoods and property, and improve preparedness and early warning.

  3. Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Activities will help conserve, restore or sustainably manage natural resources in order to reduce the vulnerability of people, livelihoods and property to adverse climate change impacts.

  4. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies:  Activities will facilitate the uptake of energy efficient technologies and practices, including renewable energy technologies, and reduce the reliance of CBOs and/or their target groups on traditional carbon-intensive fuels.

  5. Institutional Strengthening: Activities will support organisations to increase capacity in areas related to Thematic Areas 2, 3 and 4 in order to encourage strengthening of their operations.

  6. Sustainable Business Development: For associations of fishers, craft-persons, farmers or tourism-related operators, activities will support business development through the acquisition of skills, knowledge and competencies associated with sustainable business practices, including those that are specifically associated with practices that have low environmental impacts.


Below is a list of interventions which would be eligible for funding under the C-ARK Small Grant Award. It is important to note that this list is certainly not exhaustive; there are many other excellent ideas for projects that would be eligible for funding. We encourage you to use your creativity in thinking of an intervention that will help your community.  As far as possible, your project should support the recommended actions in the Community Adaptation Plan for your community, prepared as part of this project.

Promoting Community Cohesion and Building Key Partnerships

  • Formation of community adaptation networks such as “Climate Smart Committees” or “Green Business Committees” that have both an online presence as well as engaging persons through face-to-face meetings.

  • Development of public training programmes

  • Support for joint applications from two distinct CBOs

Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Reinforcing and/or retrofitting infrastructure (buildings, stalls, agriculture/fisheries equipment) – e.g. roof stabilisation, shutters, flood protection and waterproofing upgrades

  • Providing emergency response training to target groups in instances where this is not already offered for free

Ecosystem-based Adaptation

  • Environmental restoration or protection activities related to the goal, purpose or mission of your organisation or those identified in the Community Adaptation Plan

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies

  • Investing in renewable energy technologies/systems (solar, wind, alternative fuel (e.g. biogas) systems) for your own operations or a community centre

  • Rainwater harvesting and water conservation measures for a community centre

  • Energy saving/conservation equipment or upgrades (for lighting, heating or cooling purposes) for your own premises or a community centre

Institutional Strengthening

  • Participation in or development of capacity building programmes for organisations related to Thematic Areas 2, 3 and 4; or those identified in the Community Adaptation Plan

Sustainable Business Development

  • If you are an association of fishers, craft-persons, farmers or tourism-related operators:

    • Business management and development training/certification for business owners, management and/or staff

    • Green / eco-certification for business owners, management and/or staff

    • Investing in environmentally friendly processes and materials for business operations

    • Resource recovery initiatives (wastewater reuse, or product recycling within the supply chain)


Projects to be funded by a Small Grant for CBOs should be completed within 4 – 6 months.


Application documents for the Small Grant for CBOs, which include the Application Form and Application Guidelines that accompany the Application Form, are available in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formats. The documents can be downloaded by clicking on the DOWNLOAD buttons below for each document.

[/vc_column_text] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_word" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="C-ARK Small Grant for CBOs - Application Form (Microsoft Word Format)"] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_word" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="C-ARK Small Grant for CBOs - Application Guidelines (Microsoft Word Format)"] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-danger" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_pdf" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="C-ARK Small Grant for CBOs - Application Guidelines (Adobe PDF Format)"] [vc_column_text el_position="last"]


The new, extended deadline for submission of applications for Small Grants for CBOs is FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014 AT 4.30 PM (Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Time). ALL applications must be typed and submitted electronically to No handwritten or hard copy versions of Small Grant applications will be accepted.

Applicants are only allowed to submit ONE (1) application per CBO.

CBOs can partner with other CBOs to apply for the Small Grant for CBOs.

Applicants are advised to read through the entire Application Form before starting to fill in the form. It’s always worth the effort to think things through, and the questions in the Form are meant to help applicants do this.

Applicants should also refer to the Guidelines Documents as the main reference for any queries you may have while completing the Application Forms.

Electronic applications must be sent to with the following subject line: “SMALL GRANT APPLICATION – ORGANISATION NAME”.

If however, you still have any queries regarding the Application Form or process, or you need to obtain digital copies of any of the forms, you may email or call +1 246 426 2042 (CARIBSAVE Regional Headquarters in Barbados) or +1 876 632 3075 (CARIBSAVE Jamaica office).

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tab] [vc_tab title="MICRO GRANT FOR MSMEs" tab_id="1411856396-2-64"] [vc_column_text el_position="first"]



Small businesses or micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in coastal communities of Caribbean countries. MSMEs contribute an estimated 90% of employment and 70% of the overall productivity of Caribbean countries each year, but are also some of the most vulnerable to climate change – owing to small size and relative lack of, or limited access to assets and resources when compared to larger business entities or corporations. The work and success of MSMEs funded by this grant will also help MSMEs in other communities through experiences and lessons shared in resilience and sustainability.


Persons interested in applying for the Micro Grant for MSMEs to support an investment idea should meet the following criteria:

  • Should be owners of MSMEs (small businesses) currently in operation, and this must be your primary source of income

  • Should be currently working in the tourism, agriculture, fisheries or craft sectors

  • Should be based in any of the eight (8) beneficiary communities: which include: Oistins and Holetown-Weston (Barbados); Abaco and Andros Islands (The Bahamas); Hopkins Village and Placencia (Belize); and Bluefields and Port Antonio (Jamaica).


Investment ideas which potential applicants for the Micro Grant for individual MSMEs may want to put forward should fall under one (1) of the following themes:

  1. Alternative Livelihoods: Activities will support the transition to sustainable, income-generating activities between any of the four sectors (agriculture, fisheries, tourism and craft).

  2. Disaster Risk Reduction: Activities will reduce exposure to hazards and vulnerability of people, their livelihoods and their property; and improve preparedness and early warning.

  3. Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Activities will help conserve, restore or sustainably manage natural resources in order to reduce the vulnerability of people, their livelihoods and property to adverse climate change impacts.

  4. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies:  Activities will facilitate the uptake of energy efficient technologies and practices, including renewable energy technologies, and reduce the reliance of MSMEs on traditional carbon-intensive fuels.

  5. Sustainable Business Development: Activities will support business development and the enhancement of current efforts geared towards climate resilience, through the acquisition of skills, knowledge and competencies associated with sustainable business practices, including those that are specifically associated with practices that have low environmental impacts.


Below is a list of interventions which would be eligible for funding under the C-ARK Micro Grant Award. It is important to note that this list is certainly not exhaustive; there are many other excellent ideas that may be eligible for funding. We encourage you to use your creativity in thinking of an intervention that will help your business.

Alternative Livelihoods

  • Purchasing and installation of materials to help you transition into another livelihood venture (e.g. a fisherman who wants to start fishing boat tours)

  • Training courses to learn new livelihood skills

Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Reinforcing and/or retrofitting business infrastructure such as buildings, stalls, kiosks, agriculture/fisheries equipment (e.g. roof stabilisation, shutters, flood protection and waterproofing upgrades)

  • Emergency response training

  • Business relocation to a less vulnerable area

Ecosystem-based Adaptation

  • Environmental restoration/conservation activities related to the business goal or purpose

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies

  • Investing in renewable energy technologies/systems (solar, wind, alternative fuel (e.g. biogas) systems)

  • Rainwater harvesting and water conservation measures

  • Energy saving/conservation equipment or upgrades (for lighting, heating or cooling purposes)

Sustainable Business Development

  • Business management and development training/certification for business owners, management and/or staff

  • Green / eco-certification for business owners, management and/or staff

  • Investing in environmentally friendly processes and materials for business operations

  • Resource recovery initiatives (wastewater reuse, or product recycling within the supply chain)


Activities to be funded by a Micro Grant for MSMEs should be completed within 2 – 3 months.


Application documents for the Micro Grant for MSMEs, which include the Application Form and Application Guidelines that accompany the Application Form, are available in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formats. The documents can be downloaded by clicking on the DOWNLOAD buttons below for each document.

[/vc_column_text] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-danger" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_pdf" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="C-ARK Micro Grant for MSMEs - Application Form (Adobe PDF Format)"] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_word" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="C-ARK Micro Grant for MSMEs - Application Form (Version for Electronic Submissions - Microsoft Word Format)"] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-info" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_word" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="C-ARK Micro Grant for MSMEs - Application Guidelines (Microsoft Word Format)"] [vc_cta_button title="DOWNLOAD" href="" color="btn-danger" size="wpb_regularsize" icon="wpb_document_pdf" target="_blank" position="cta_align_right" call_text="C-ARK Micro Grant for MSMEs - Application Guidelines (Adobe PDF Format)"] [vc_column_text el_position="last"]


Micro Grant Application submissions can be electronic (preferred); or in hard copy – whether handwritten or typed. Hard copy applications can be delivered to the following locations (based on your country or community of residence):

BARBADOSOistins and Holetown-Weston
The CARIBSAVE Partnership, Caribbean Regional Headquarters, Balmoral Gap
Hastings, Christ Church
Tel: +1 246 426 2042 / +1 246 233 4645
Abaco Tourist Office
Marsh Harbour, Abaco
Andros Tourist Office
Fresh Creek, Andros
BELIZEHopkins Village
Hopkins Village Council Office
Hopkins Village
Southern Environmental Association (SEA) Belize
JAMAICAPort Antonio
Social Development Commission (SDC) – Portland
Port Antonio, Portland
Bluefields Peoples’ Community Association
Bluefields, Westmoreland


The new, extended deadline for submission of applications for Micro Grants for MSMEs is:

MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014 AT 4.30PM (Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Time), if submitted electronically, or

THE TIME OF CLOSE OF BUSINESS of each of the locations listed above in cases where hard copies will be submitted.

Applicants are only allowed to submit ONE (1) application per MSME.

MSMEs can only apply for the Micro Grant for MSMEs on an individual basis.

Applicants are advised to read through the entire Application Form before starting to fill in the form. It’s always worth the effort to think things through, and the questions in the Form are meant to help applicants do this.

Applicants should also refer to the Guidelines Documents as the main reference for any queries you may have while completing the Application Forms.

Electronic applications must be sent to with the following subject line: “MICRO GRANT APPLICATION – APPLICANT’S SURNAME”.

If however, you still have any queries regarding the Application Form or process, or you need to obtain digital copies of any of the forms, you may email or call +1 246 426 2042 (CARIBSAVE Regional Headquarters in Barbados) or +1 876 632 3075 (CARIBSAVE Jamaica office).

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