The INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE Group will be running a series of events in at COP20.
DATE: 5th December, 15:00-16:30
ROOM: Caral (130)
Official Side Event:
How can we maximise synergies for mitigation, adaptation & sustainable development policy & practice?
Opportunities to create co-benefits across mitigation, adaptation and development are notable but AR5 stressed the need to further understanding. To begin this, INTASAVE will present on their global support for win-win policy, the Gabon will showcase their integrated Sustainable Development Policy and NCCSD will share sectoral experience from climate smart agriculture.</p>Panellists:
- Dr Rebecca Nadin, Asia-Pacific Director, The INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE Group
- Dr Tanguy Gahouma, Permanent Secretary, National Climate Council, Gabon
- Dr Kirit Shelat, Executive Chairman, National Council for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Public Leadership (NCCSD)
DATE: 8th December, 14:00-14:50
VENUE: Marriott Hotel, Lima (with Lunch provided before and Transport from the COP20 venue)
INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE at the South-South Cooperation on Climate Change Day: Why is South-South Cooperation so important for the future of adaptation?
South-South Cooperation on Climate Change Day has a goal to contribute to a successful post 2015 climate agreement by promoting South-South Cooperation as an integral part of global action combating climate change. Specific objectives are:- To raise awareness of the role of South-South Cooperation
- To identify opportunities and challenges for South-South Cooperation
- To discuss and agree upon a number of enabling conditions for promoting South-South Cooperation, such as political, financial and institutional settings
The High-Level Panel on SSC’s importance to adaptation, hosted by the INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE Group, will convene important figures in adaptation from Global South countries for a dialogue and open discussion on how best to build resilience through cooperation with other developing countries. Come and join in the conversation.
- Gabriel Quijandría, Vice Minister, MINAM, Peru
- Ali Tauqeer Sheikh, Asia Director, CDKN
- Arif Wibowo, Head of Division, Climate Change Vulnerability, Assistant Deputy for CCA, Ministry of Environment and Forestry
DATE: 11th December 9:30-11:30
VENUE: China Pavilion, COP20 Venue
Co-benefits of Mitigation and Adaptation
Mitigation and adaptation have historically evolved along different pathways. Mitigation is to fighting the causes and adaptation is to preventing and treating the symptoms. However, addressing climate change challenges through only one of these can lead to trade-offs and one undermining the other. Both are essential for a World facing climate change; even with the most ambitious of efforts on mitigation, it is inevitable that the climate will continue to change in the decades to come and adaptation will be necessary. However, adaptation without consideration of mitigation may add to the impacts it needs to tackle.On this adaptation-focussed morning in the China Pavilion, we are inviting experience experts from China, Norwegian and Peru who has experience in Synergistic Policy for mitigation and adaptation. Cases these countries will be shared to the audience.
- Dr Goerild Heggelund, Senior Climate advisor, INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE Group
- Prof. Li Ting, Executive Dean, South China Low Carbon Academy
- Dr. Pradeep Kurukulasuriya Head- Climate Change Adaptation, United Nations Development Programme
- Mr. Lv Xuedu, Advisor, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
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